We're currently having issues with the network in France

Uptime Impact: 13 minutes and 3 seconds

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

Avatar for Iztok Zavcer
Iztok Zavcer

After successfully finishing upgrade works around 90 minutes ago, we are currently facing unplanned downtime in Paris. Our team is investigating.

Info about the upgrades we completed this morning you can find here: https://www.edisglobal.com/blog/tengig-year-paris-upgrades-successful

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Some people are experiencing problems with our service right now. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

** Our team is addressing an issue with a host node with the highest priority.

Avatar for Iztok Zavcer
Iztok Zavcer
Began at:

Affected components
  • KVM Europe
    • France, Paris