Planned maintenances work in New York

Thursday, 30 March 2 hours

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


planned maintenances work in New York, USA between the below time slots:

From: Thursday, 30th of March 2023 04:00 am NYC time To: Thursday, 30th of March 2023 06:00 am NYC time

We'll perform OS upgrade for our aggregation devices, one per night, so that the impact will be minimal. Your services will experience interruptions within the time slot outlined above. We do not expect the downtime to be as long as the entire maintenance window.

These works are part of the New York network upgrade process.

Avatar for Iztok Zavcer
Iztok Zavcer
Began at:

Affected components
  • KVM North- and Latin America
    • USA, New York (NY)